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Contact Info
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
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Findz app helps you bookmark with friends and family. React out for any support

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    Findz is an user friendly and robust social bookmarking platform
    Findz' support team is always willing to help you in bookmarking with friends, family and colleagues

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      How can I close my account?

      To close your account, sign in to Findz and go to your profile and settings page.  Tap the button labeled “Close My Account” at the bottom of the page, and then confirm your intention to close your account.  It can take from a few seconds to a few minutes to close your account.  It is advised to wait for the confirmation before you close the app or the window.

      When you close your account, all media in groups owned by you is immediately deleted all data in groups owned by you is marked as deleted and will be removed from the backups after 30 days.  This includes all content posted to your groups, be that by you or the other members of the groups owned by you.  You will not be able to undo this action, or recover the data in your groups once your account has been closed.

      Please note that the content you posted to groups owned by others is not deleted.  Any content that may have been downloaded by other users from your groups cannot be deleted by closing your account.

      How can I delete my data from Findz?

      You can delete your data selectively by using the in-app functionality that allows you to delete assets such as groups, finds, collections and messages.  Findz does not currently provide the ability to delete all your data in one go without closing your account.